Saturday, October 14, 2006

Books I want to read

I like reading very much but the time factor always creates problems. Here is a list of books which I want to read:
  1. The Line Of Fire - Pervez Musharraf
  2. Sacred Games - Vikram Chandra
  3. Veronika Decides To Die
  4. The Zahir
  5. Like The Flowing River
  6. The Pilgrimage - all by Paulo Coelho ( I am a fan of his style of writing)
  7. The Loss of Inheritance - the latest booker winner by Kiran Desai
  8. And many more.................

I think I will get the time to read these books next year only.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

An interesting list. Try reading "Everybody loves a good drought" by P.Sainath; it's an excellent read.