A political failure which threatens to build insecurity in people's mind will only lead to instability and a weak government which will result in more patronizing of us by our not so friendly and also friendly neighbours.
A 'no first-strike policy does not have any meaning if you do not have the weapons, forget the capability for a second strike. When we developed nuclear subs and water-to-land misiles and displayed them with pride to showcase our second strike capability, we somehow chose to ignore the fact that we do not have enough and effective warheads to be mounted on them.
India won't be allowed to get away with this hollow exposure of national security. Isnt it is a strange co-incidence that the number of incursions by China from across the border and mischief from the Pakistanis at the western border increased manifold since the day Mr. Santhanam brought the nuclear program out of the closet?
The NDA which prided itself on being the government which carried out the Pokhran tests should hang their heads in shame. The Congress more so because it did not correct the failure of the past when they could and for dismissing things so obivously visible instead of accepting them and making future plans to achieve nuclear capability.
For the first time in my life of 20 years, I feel insecure about India's integrity in the future. Hope someone is listening and has balls to do the right thing.
1 comment:
I disagree here with you on a few points:
1.India still has enough nuclear weapons to blow the arse off Pakistan(not china though).
2.Intelligence agencies of all major countries(at least china) have pin point information about nuclear capabilities of neighbouring nations,so the point of increasing incursions by china and Pakistan is not that convincing.
3.We even have the technology of nuclear sub-marines,i don't see the point of India's empty nuclear arsenal because of lack of technology and cannot think of any other reason.
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